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Calls for Artists

The first way that most artists show their work at LibertyTown is through our juried shows. Check our our current opportunities below, and we hope to see your work at LibertyTown soon!

Coffee Culture,  a National Juried Exhibition

Entries Due:  February 17, 2025

The nineties are back, baby, and with it, so is the nineties’ Coffee House Culture. Join us this March to celebrate all things Coffee and Coffee Culture, whether it be images of coffee, coffee bean art, celebrations of your life in a coffee house, or deeper examinations of this strange, fermented bean water’s journey from bush to mug. We want to see all of your art celebrating, incorporating, or exploring our sweet, sweet, caffeinated friend, Coffee. All mediums welcome.


All artists age 16 and older, working in any media, may apply to this show. Work previously exhibited in LibertyTown’s gallery is not eligible. Work must be original and not from kits and made in the least five years.


Work accepted into the show must be for sale. Applications must be submitted electronically; no physical pieces will be accepted at the gallery for jurying. Work that will be displayed must be ready to show, with no unfired media, no wet paint, no sawtooth hangers, staple-free edges or other unfinished surfaces. LibertyTown will provide pedestals and shelving as needed. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.


A non-refundable application fee must be paid for each submitted piece before it will be juried. Payment may be submitted electronically via submittable or by check delivered to LibertyTown. “Friends of LibertyTown” Members receive discounted jury fees. If you aren’t already, you can become a member at

Application Fees

1st piece (Non-member):     $25

1st piece (Member):              $15

Each additional piece:         $  5


1st Place:         $400

2nd Place:       $200

3rd Place:        $100


LibertyTown keeps a commission of 40% on all show sales. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show.


2/17:              Submissions due by 10PM Eastern Time

2/19:              Notifications sent via Submittable Only

3/3:                Accepted work due at LibertyTown by 8PM

3/7:                Opening reception

3/30:             Show closes, unsold work may be picked up/will be shipped back


Applications must be submitted electronically via Submittable:  (no physical pieces will be accepted at the gallery for jurying). Up to three images may be submitted per piece if an additional detailed view or multiple perspectives are required to convey the piece. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror if the work differs significantly from the images provided.

Accepted Work Delivery and Return

You will be notified via Submittable if your work is accepted. Please make sure your email address is correct when you sign up and that you check the site on or around the notification date.  Accepted work must arrive at LibertyTown by the stated due date. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show. Pre-paid return shipping labels should be included with any work that may require return shipping. Our address is:

LibertyTown Arts Workshop

916 Liberty Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22401


Artists applying to this show grant LibertyTown Arts Workshop unlimited non-exclusive right to use images of accepted work to promote the exhibit and the and the gallery.

Botanical, a Regional Juried Show

Entries Due:  March 21-24, 2025

The flowers are blooming, the vines are vining, and the trees are leafing: Spring is here and we are all about it. Show us all of your beautiful artwork in any medium that celebrates the blooming, bursting joy of Botanicals. It can be photos of flowers, branches sculpted from clay, or runs woven of herbs…Anything floral, or verge related is welcome!


All artists age 16 and older, working in any media, may apply to this show. Work previously exhibited in LibertyTown’s gallery is not eligible. Work must be original and completed within the last five years.


Work accepted into the show must be for sale and must be priced to sell.  Works must be submitted in person at the gallery. Work that will be displayed must be ready to show, with no unfired media, no wet paint or other unfinished surfaces. LibertyTown will provide pedestals and shelving as needed. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.


A non-refundable application fee must be paid for each submitted piece before it will be juried. Payment may be made at time of delivery for jurying to LibertyTown in the form of cash, check or credit payment. “Friends of LibertyTown” members receive discounted jury fees. If you aren’t already, you can become a member at

Application Fees

1st piece (Non-member):     $25

1st piece (Member):              $15

Each additional piece:         $  5


1st Place:         $300

2nd Place:       $200

3rd Place:        $100


LibertyTown keeps a commission of 40% on all show sales. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show.


3/21-3/24:    Submissions can be dropped off for jurying.

3/26:             Notifications of acceptance/decline sent via email

3/26-3/29:    Pick up of work not accepted.

4/4:                Opening reception

4/27:              Show closes, unsold work may be picked up


Pieces must be physically submitted at the gallery for jurying on the dates listed in the calendar above during business hours. Do not leave work outside our facility after or before opening. Work that will be displayed on a wall must be ready to hang, with no wet media, no sawtooth hangers, and staple-free edges.  Work must include an information sheet that contains the title, price, and artist name. One can be obtained at the gallery at the time of drop off if you do not have one already attached. LibertyTown will provide pedestals when needed for submitted art. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.

Our address for work delivery of work is:

916 Liberty Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Accepted Work

You will be notified via email if your work is accepted. Please make sure your email address is correct when you submit and that you check on or around the notification date.  If you do not receive and email by the morning of the date AFTER the date list above, please email us at or call us at 540-371-7255 for more information. This usually means we have a bad email address or your email is filtering our email in some capacity.


Artists applying to this show grant LibertyTown Arts Workshop unlimited non-exclusive right to use images of accepted work to promote the exhibit and the gallery.


Black and White,  a National Juried Exhibition of Photography

Entries Due:  May 19, 2025

There is something so timeless about a black and white photo. It distills the lighting and gives the subject matter no room to hide. Your eyes aren’t drawn around by bright flashes of color, so you take it all in. And because of this, black and white photos can convey rich emotional truths and highlight the skill it truly takes to make a beautiful photographic composition. This June we want to dedicate all of our gallery walls to Black and White photographs. The photos can be printed or mounted in any way you want and can be small or large in size. The only rule is nothing other than Black and White printing can be used (no sepia tones), and the medium MUST be photography.


All artists age 16 and older, working in any media, may apply to this show. Work previously exhibited in LibertyTown’s gallery is not eligible. Work must be original and not from kits and made in the least five years.


Work accepted into the show must be for sale. Applications must be submitted electronically; no physical pieces will be accepted at the gallery for jurying. Work that will be displayed must be ready to show, with no unfired media, no wet paint, no sawtooth hangers, staple-free edges or other unfinished surfaces. LibertyTown will provide pedestals and shelving as needed. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.


A non-refundable application fee must be paid for each submitted piece before it will be juried. Payment may be submitted electronically via submittable or by check delivered to LibertyTown. “Friends of LibertyTown” Members receive discounted jury fees. If you aren’t already, you can become a member at

Application Fees

1st piece (Non-member):     $25

1st piece (Member):              $15

Each additional piece:         $  5


1st Place:         $400

2nd Place:       $200

3rd Place:        $100


LibertyTown keeps a commission of 40% on all show sales. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show.


5/19:              Submissions due by 10PM Eastern Time

5/21:              Notifications sent via Submittable Only

6/2:                Accepted work due at LibertyTown by 8PM

6/6:                Opening reception

6/29:             Show closes, unsold work may be picked up/will be shipped back


Applications must be submitted electronically via Submittable:  (no physical pieces will be accepted at the gallery for jurying). Up to three images may be submitted per piece if an additional detailed view or multiple perspectives are required to convey the piece. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror if the work differs significantly from the images provided.

Accepted Work Delivery and Return

You will be notified via Submittable if your work is accepted. Please make sure your email address is correct when you sign up and that you check the site on or around the notification date.  Accepted work must arrive at LibertyTown by the stated due date. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show. Pre-paid return shipping labels should be included with any work that may require return shipping. Our address is:

LibertyTown Arts Workshop

916 Liberty Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22401


Artists applying to this show grant LibertyTown Arts Workshop unlimited non-exclusive right to use images of accepted work to promote the exhibit and the gallery.


CarlsCore, a Regional Juried Show

Entries Due:  June 20-23, 2025

No matter what show we do, somehow, someway Carl’s Ice Cream’s iconic signage, or building manages to make an appearance. And we just figured that in 2025, why fight it?? Join us this July to celebrated Carl’s Ice Cream and all of the art that they have inspired over the years in a show we are calling CarlsCore. We want any art you make in any medium that celebrates their sign, building, sweet treats, people, and culture of the iconic Carl’s Ice Cream in Downtown Fredericksburg. Random photos of people named Carl will not be accepted, but we will be amused.


All artists age 16 and older, working in any media, may apply to this show. Work previously exhibited in LibertyTown’s gallery is not eligible. Work must be original and completed within the last five years.


Work accepted into the show must be for sale and must be priced to sell.  Works must be submitted in person at the gallery. Work that will be displayed must be ready to show, with no unfired media, no wet paint or other unfinished surfaces. LibertyTown will provide pedestals and shelving as needed. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.


A non-refundable application fee must be paid for each submitted piece before it will be juried. Payment may be made at time of delivery for jurying to LibertyTown in the form of cash, check or credit payment. “Friends of LibertyTown” members receive discounted jury fees. If you aren’t already, you can become a member at

Application Fees

1st piece (Non-member):     $25

1st piece (Member):              $15

Each additional piece:         $  5


1st Place:         $300

2nd Place:       $200

3rd Place:        $100


LibertyTown keeps a commission of 40% on all show sales. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show.


6/20-6/23:              Submissions can be dropped off for jurying.

6/25:                        Notifications of acceptance/decline sent via email

6/25-6/28:               Pick up of work not accepted.

TBD (early July):      Opening reception

7/27:                         Show closes, unsold work may be picked up


Pieces must be physically submitted at the gallery for jurying on the dates listed in the calendar above during business hours. Do not leave work outside our facility after or before opening. Work that will be displayed on a wall must be ready to hang, with no wet media, no sawtooth hangers, and staple-free edges.  Work must include an information sheet that contains the title, price, and artist name. One can be obtained at the gallery at the time of drop off if you do not have one already attached. LibertyTown will provide pedestals when needed for submitted art. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.


Our address for work delivery of work is:

916 Liberty Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Accepted Work

You will be notified via email if your work is accepted. Please make sure your email address is correct when you submit and that you check on or around the notification date.  If you do not receive and email by the morning of the date AFTER the date list above, please email us at or call us at 540-371-7255 for more information. This usually means we have a bad email address or your email is filtering our email in some capacity.


Artists applying to this show grant LibertyTown Arts Workshop unlimited non-exclusive right to use images of accepted work to promote the exhibit and the gallery.

Feline Frenzy, a National Juried Exhibition

Entries Due:  August 18, 2025

 Did you know September is National Cat month? Neither did we, but we are all about it now that we found out!! And now we want nothing more than to have our gallery walls filled with images of cats of all kinds: fat cats, skinny cats, cats on desks, cats with attitude, cats with an extra toe bean, cats missing an eye and thus in a perpetual wink, fancy cats with fancy names, stray cats with no names, cat toys, cat condos, cat hammocks….you get the picture. Just cats and cat stuff. All mediums are welcome, we just ask that all art include the theme of cats in some way!


All artists age 16 and older, working in any media, may apply to this show. Work previously exhibited in LibertyTown’s gallery is not eligible. Work must be original and not from kits and made in the least five years.


Work accepted into the show must be for sale. Applications must be submitted electronically; no physical pieces will be accepted at the gallery for jurying. Work that will be displayed must be ready to show, with no unfired media, no wet paint, no sawtooth hangers, staple-free edges or other unfinished surfaces. LibertyTown will provide pedestals and shelving as needed. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.


A non-refundable application fee must be paid for each submitted piece before it will be juried. Payment may be submitted electronically via submittable or by check delivered to LibertyTown. “Friends of LibertyTown” Members receive discounted jury fees. If you aren’t already, you can become a member at

Application Fees

1st piece (Non-member):     $25

1st piece (Member):              $15

Each additional piece:         $  5


1st Place:         $400

2nd Place:       $200

3rd Place:        $100


LibertyTown keeps a commission of 40% on all show sales. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show.


8/18:             Submissions due by 10PM Eastern Time

8/20:             Notifications sent via Submittable Only

9/1:               Accepted work due at LibertyTown by 8PM

9/5:               Opening reception

9/28:             Show closes, unsold work may be picked up/will be shipped back


Applications must be submitted electronically via Submittable:  (no physical pieces will be accepted at the gallery for jurying). Up to three images may be submitted per piece if an additional detailed view or multiple perspectives are required to convey the piece. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror if the work differs significantly from the images provided.

Accepted Work Delivery and Return

You will be notified via Submittable if your work is accepted. Please make sure your email address is correct when you sign up and that you check the site on or around the notification date.  Accepted work must arrive at LibertyTown by the stated due date. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show. Pre-paid return shipping labels should be included with any work that may require return shipping. Our address is:

LibertyTown Arts Workshop

916 Liberty Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22401


Artists applying to this show grant LibertyTown Arts Workshop unlimited non-exclusive right to use images of accepted work to promote the exhibit and the gallery.

Pumpkins, a Regional Juried Show

Entries Due:  September 19-22, 2025


Oh these glorious bulbus orange gourds, how can we possibly show you how much we adore your seasonal availability and brilliant shades? Will a whole month of nothing but pumpkin based art be sufficient? We think so!

Join us this October to celebrate all things Pumpkin. The art can be of any medium that lets you celebrate them in all their glory!  You could even venture to make a work from pumpkin (But please limit it to something that is sealed and will not rot, smell or attract insects) and if you have a sentient Great Pumpkin (*proof of art being made by said Great Pumpkin will need to be provided upon submission. We do not accept “Dude, Trust Me” on matters this serious.) it can also be painted BY a pumpkin. All mediums are welcome.


All artists age 16 and older, working in any media, may apply to this show. Work previously exhibited in LibertyTown’s gallery is not eligible. Work must be original and completed within the last five years.


Work accepted into the show must be for sale and must be priced to sell.  Works must be submitted in person at the gallery. Work that will be displayed must be ready to show, with no unfired media, no wet paint or other unfinished surfaces. LibertyTown will provide pedestals and shelving as needed. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.


A non-refundable application fee must be paid for each submitted piece before it will be juried. Payment may be made at time of delivery for jurying to LibertyTown in the form of cash, check or credit payment. “Friends of LibertyTown” members receive discounted jury fees. If you aren’t already, you can become a member at

Application Fees

1st piece (Non-member):     $25

1st piece (Member):              $15

Each additional piece:         $  5


1st Place:         $300

2nd Place:       $200

3rd Place:        $100


LibertyTown keeps a commission of 40% on all show sales. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show.


9/19-9/22:    Submissions can be dropped off for jurying.

9/24:             Notifications of acceptance/decline sent via email

9/24-9/27:    Pick up of work not accepted.

10/3:              Opening reception

11/2:              Show closes, unsold work may be picked up


Pieces must be physically submitted at the gallery for jurying on the dates listed in the calendar above during business hours. Do not leave work outside our facility after or before opening. Work that will be displayed on a wall must be ready to hang, with no wet media, no sawtooth hangers, and staple-free edges.  Work must include an information sheet that contains the title, price, and artist name. One can be obtained at the gallery at the time of drop off if you do not have one already attached. LibertyTown will provide pedestals when needed for submitted art. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.

Our address for work delivery of work is:

916 Liberty Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Accepted Work

You will be notified via email if your work is accepted. Please make sure your email address is correct when you submit and that you check on or around the notification date.  If you do not receive and email by the morning of the date AFTER the date list above, please email us at or call us at 540-371-7255 for more information. This usually means we have a bad email address or your email is filtering our email in some capacity.


Artists applying to this show grant LibertyTown Arts Workshop unlimited non-exclusive right to use images of accepted work to promote the exhibit and the gallery.


Entries Due:  October 17-20, 2025

 6x6x6, Our annual exhibit of artwork no larger than 6 inches in any direction including frame, if used


All artists age 14 and older, working in any media, may apply to this show. Work previously exhibited in LibertyTown’s gallery is not eligible. Work must be original and completed within the last three years.


Work accepted into the show must be for sale.  Work must not exceed 6 inches in any direction including the frame.  Work that will be displayed on a wall must be ready to hang, with no wet media, canvases must be wired, and staple-free edges. LibertyTown will provide pedestals when needed. LibertyTown reserves the right to reject works accepted by the juror due to content, space constraints, or inability to properly install the work.


A non-refundable entry fee of $6 must be paid for each submitted piece. Artists may submit unlimited pieces.


1st Place:         $106

2nd Place:       $76

3rd Place:        $56


LibertyTown keeps a commission of 20% on all show sales. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show.


Fri.,    Oct. 17 10AM-8PM         Drop off work.

Sat.,    Oct. 18 10AM-8PM        Drop off work.

Sun.,  Oct. 20 10AM-6PM         Drop off work.

Mon., Oct. 21 10AM-8PM         Drop off work.

Wed., Oct. 22                              Artists will be notified by email of juror’s decisions.

Fri.,    Oct 24                               Work that has not been accepted in the show must be picked up.

Fri.,    Nov. 7:                              Opening reception.

Sun/Mon., Nov 30 -Dec 1         Show closes, unsold work may be picked up.

Accepted Work Delivery and Return

Accepted work must arrive at LibertyTown by the stated due date. Artists are responsible for any costs related to transporting accepted work to the gallery and transporting unsold work away at the end of the show. Pre-paid return shipping labels should be included with any work that may require return shipping. Our address is:


LibertyTown Arts Workshop

916 Liberty Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22407


Artists applying to this show grant LibertyTown Arts Workshop unlimited non-exclusive right to use images of accepted work to promote the exhibit and the gallery.