My favorite painter is Vincent Van Gogh because of his passion for painting, but my artistic endeavors started in my first love, Sculpture. I started taking pottery courses with Misha Sanborn in 2006 and hand building with Neil Reed in 2007. I made ceramic items for a few years and loved it but I also wanted to learn to paint, and in 2008 I started with painting courses with Bill Harris. I studied under his instruction for about 9 years and in 2017 I got my studio at LibertyTown Arts Workshop.
I enjoy painting in various styles with oils, acrylics and mixed media. I created a series of works called “Shadows” which was my inspiration for a solo show. I also incorporate palette knife and acrylic pour painting, which I love the textures they bring to my works. I greatly enjoy experimentation and the “mad scientist” feeling that I get putting different mediums together to create new and exciting works. I think outside the box and sometimes it’s successful and sometimes not, but I enjoy this journey greatly and it’s how I learn and my work evolves.